

Your Health and

Manmade Radiation

Do you have any of the following General health complaints?

  • Facial redness or puffy eyes

  • Unexplained headaches

  • Feeling of nausea, indigestion, or finding yourself belching frequently

  • Occasional heart palpitations

  • Some level of brain fog or at times find it difficult to concentrate

  • Less energy than normal

  • Feeling dehydrated, as if you just did a mild workout

These have become common complaints today often experienced after working hours at your computer, if you live in proximity to a cell tower, or have a Wi-Fi router close to where you spend a lot of time, especially if its near the bedroom.

Do you or your children have a more serious health issue?

  • Autism

  • ADHD

  • Atrialbibrilation

  • Asthma

  • Cancer

  • MS

  • Diabetes

  • Neurological problems

What Is contributing to or A primary cause of These Ailments?

Science is very clear on how manmade radiation from wireless devices and electric fields penetrate our body and adversely affecting cellular activity.

  • DNA damage - single and double strand breaks

  • Melatonin production impaired - a very important antioxidant especially important for killing cancer cells

  • Mitochondria damaged — our energy producers

  • Oxidative stress — behind most all disease

  • Blood Brain Permeability — letting in toxins and proteins that can damage the brain

  • Cells not able to take in proper nutrients and unable to rid itself of toxins

  • Interferes with the proper electrical functioning of our cell membranes

TThe Problem Today - Our exposure is too much and the damage to the body accumulates.

There are three primary areas that are of the most concern in addition to cancers and the more persistent and continuous general ill health and loss of vitality.

  • Brain — anxiety/depression, autism, Alzheimer’s, ADHD

  • Heart — cardiac arrhythmias, atrial fib

  • Infertility — abnormalities of sperm, sperm counts have declined 50%

    There is less science on a woman’s ovaries however the concern is very strong due to laptops and other devices used very close to the body exposing the ovaries to this radiation. A woman’s eggs are for a life time and are not replaced like sperm.

What has been experienced when radiation is reduced or Avoided?

  • Many of the common ailments will go away or be substantially reduced with less occurrence.

  • The accumulated damage can be repaired over time.

  • The cellular activity now functioning properly the healing process will be supported. There are many clinicians who successfully treat patients make reducing exposure part of their healing protocols.

  • People start to gain back that lost vitality and fell really healthy again.

Can radiation exposure be reduced While still Benefiting from technology?

Yes, you can use your smart phone, your laptop, Wi-Fi and other devices. It just takes learning how to use them more safely.

The question is - how much radiation do you want to avoid? There are basic protocols that can remove substantial amounts of radiation. Maybe you want to do more due to a health condition or children in the household or because you live close to a cell tower or a 5G unit that was placed outside your home.

There is much you can do to help stay healthy in today’s modern age.

Is it costly?

Implementing some EMF basics will not cost you anything except some time and learning new behaviors. Think of it like when you were a child and you learned to look both ways before crossing a street, it’s now a natural habit. Unfortunately our mothers did not know to tell us how to safely use our many devices.

Radiation is invisible. The only way to know if you are in safer levels is to invest in a basic EMF meter. The Trifield meter I continue to recommend and is less than $200. I have used mine for years and even though I have many more advanced meters this is still my go-to.

How I Help

Seminars - Making it easy to learn How to reduce your exposure

My seminars are free. They educate on ‘the basics’, the science, the recommendations from those who are experts in the fields, EMF meters and the many simple ways to significantly reduce your exposure.

Seminars The objective is to facilitate a deeper understanding of our exposure and help you start taking action today to creating a safer living space for you and your loved ones. It enables an active interchange in addressing questions and concerns on this complex topic. It includes EMF meter demonstrations, making the radiation from many devices and commonly used items ‘visible’.


It took me five years of intense study on all issues related to EMFs to learn what I know today. I know people do not have the time or resources to dedicate to this health topic as I did. Most are totally unaware its an issue. This is why I wrote the book, an affordable way of obtaining the necessary information to protect your health from today’s 24/7 exposure. The consulting is a way to support the learning of those who need more hands on guidance - which I also offer through individual and/or group consults.

There is no charge to discuss your issue/concerns and how I may be of help! E-mail me at pat@emfbasics.com

The Book

Cost effective way of learning what took me years to find out by working with experts and pioneers in the field. I want everyone to have the opportunity to avail themselves of this information.

What’s Ailing You? Learn, Protect, Be Well: Your guide to the world of manmade electromagnetic fields (EMFs) told in story like fashion leading the reader through the issues, correcting the misinformation, and filling in the omissions from public discourse, what you are not being told. It dispels the myth that our exposure to electric power and wireless technologies is of no or little consequence. Its not just about cell phones and cancer, its about the overall harm to the body that can present itself in a number of ways depending on the individual.

Not to leave the reader with just the problem, a 60 page supplement is included to help the reader cost effectively reduce exposure. It includes valuable charts on specific bio-effects per each field we are exposed to and how they relate to our use of various wireless devices and electrically powered equipment. It includes action lists from 'big payoff items' to 'sleep area remediation' to 'general items for reducing exposure'.


FACTS — EMFs (Electro-Magnetic Fields) — radiation from electric power and wireless technologies:

  • We are overexposed to this radiation and that exposure continues to increase.

  • EMFs have been found to be either primarily, or in part, the culprit behind many ailments.

  • Children are more vulnerable to this radiation.

  • The body can heal if action is taken to reduce exposure, especially during sleep.

  • There is a plethora of ways to cost effectively reduce exposure and still enjoy the many benefits of modern day living.

EMF Myths — We have been adeptly led to believe these fields are of no consequence, learn some basic truths.

EMF Exposure — Manmade EMFs and Natural EMFs — Review of our natural field exposure, its importance for our health and how manmade EMFs have eclipsed natural exposures. What exposes us to manmade radiation and why current levels are not safe.

Health Impact — The science is clear and the mechanisms resulting in harm identified. The harm is at the energetic cellular level affecting the entire body, with most of the harm targeting the brain and the heart.

Children and EMFs — Children are more vulnerable to this radiation and need to be protected.

The Book — What’s Ailing You? Learn, Protect, Be Well: Your Guide on the Issues and Solutions to Manmade Radiation. The book educates on the expanse of issues involved with our overexposure — from science and medical positions to big business, politics and money. Importantly, it includes a 60 page supplement to help you cost effectively reduce your exposure.

Resources This page is in development— information to help you continue your education — There is a wealth of very valuable EMF scientific, medical, and remediation information resources. The ones provided here are ‘the basics.’

EMF Meters

Over time we have learned how to mitigate the potential for harm from many areas of our lives such as by installing carbon monoxide meters and fire alarms, to filtering water to remove heavy metals and bacteria. In the modern age EMFs need to also be actively monitored and mitigated. Unless you have a tool to measure you will never know if the actions you take are sufficient. EMF Meters are an important investment in your health.

Founder and Author - Patricia Doyle

Prof pic may 2017, web use.jpg

I developed this site and wrote the book "What's Ailing You? Learn, Protect, Be Well" to provide comprehensive information and cost effective solutions to today's electro-smog induced health problems. The scientific and medical data shows us getting sicker, at a younger age, and developing multiple ailments over time. This did not use to be the norm. I learned first hand the health effects of accumulating damage over time from this invisible toxin and that you can heal and feel really good again. We have the answer to much of what is ailing us today — educate yourself on the issues and learn how to reduce your exposure.

My message

  • You can reduce exposure

  • You can repair the damage

  • You can enjoy modern living

Reducing manmade radiation exposure is as important as eating healthy and exercising regularly.
— What's Ailing You?

New Postings

Seminars currently being scheduled

Contact pat@emfbasics.com to receive the next seminar posting.

Are you concerned about Blood Clots and Strokes?

Our exposure to EMFs does not help when it comes to this potential life threatening condition — the following picture and pdf (link) are excerpts from “What’s Ailing You?” The picture is of the blood taken after a smart phone was in receiving mode worn by the subject in a backpack for 45 minutes. RBC’s are no longer round but sticking together, misshapen and clumping together.

Red blood cell clumping, permission.PNG

want a stronger immune system?

Melatonin has been well studied and found to protect DNA, promote a healthy immune system, enhance memory and learning, and may help protect against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

EMFs can interfere with our sleep, our circadian rhythm, and thus reduce the production of this potent antioxidant that is produced while we sleep. They can even eliminate melatonin production altogether.

One of the best ways to increase melatonin production is to substantially remove EMFs from the sleep environment.

What’s Ailing You? excerpt on melatonin.

Vicious cycle — EMFs and heavy metals

We are all exposed to heavy metals in our environment, food, water, vaccines and we depend on the proper functioning of our cells to rid the body of these heavy metals. The problem - EMFs inhibit cellular excretion of heavy metals. Heavy metals in the brain may act as antennae concentrating radiation to these tissues.

EMF experts agree - the most important time to substantially reduce EMF exposure is during sleep time, when your body works to detox from the days environmental load from many toxins. EMFs both add to the load and inhibit the body from detoxing.

Excerpt on heavy metals and other synergistic effects.

Aging on the inside

Today young people are experiencing what is more normal for the ‘elderly’ such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, cardiovascular issues, indigestion, orthopedic issues related to posture when looking at screens all day and other effects. We have 40 year old’s with these symptoms automatically attributing them to ‘Oh I am just getting older.’ No! Its the unhealthy environment we live in that is eroding our energy, health and vitality.

Childhood disorders

How did we come to accept childhood disorders that were once rare — such as autism which use to be 1 in 5,000 and is now 1 in 35! We know children are more vulnerable to environmental toxins which includes EMFs - pregnant women and children need to be substantially removed from this radiation.

Read more about the effect on children.

The voices of those injured by EMFs are now finally being heard, FCC and FDA to review the inadequate and outdated wireless safety guidelines:

Aug 13, 2021 — Two non profit organization challenging FCC exposure guidelines, the many ailments that we can suffer from related to EMFs:

Children’s Health Defense briefing — “The court ruled that the FCC failed to consider the non-cancer evidence regarding adverse health effects of wireless technology…filed 11,000 pages of evidence of harm from 5G and wireless technology…”

Environmental Health Trust briefing — “The court held that the FCC failed to respond to “record evidence that exposure to RF radiation at levels below the Commission’s current limits may cause negative health effects unrelated to cancer.”

The court ruled that the FCC — failed to address: impacts of long term wireless exposure, unique impacts to children, the testimony of people injured by wireless radiation, impacts to wildlife and the environment, failed to address impacts to the developing brain and reproduction.